Averell Harriman-al (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._Averell_Harriman), New York állam volt kormányzójával majd az USA felhatalmazott világjáró diplomatájával Elefántcsontparton találkoznak magyar cserkészek
Photo (portrait) of Cordell Hull Dedicated “To Minister John Pelenyi with highest esteem [signed] Cordell Hull” [hand written] Reference:Cordell Hull (October 2, 1871 – July 23, 1955) was an American politician from Tennessee best known as the…
Photo of John [János] Pelényi in front of Legation on 18th Street in Washington D.C. [small format] Backside: “Gift of Sue [presumably Sue Pelenyi] 18th Street Legation” [hand written] Reference [New York Times Obituary]
Photo of Tibor Eckhardt. Dedication [on torn matting, hand written]: “To Zsuzska and John Pelényi in friendly remembrance [signed] Tibor Eckhardt” Reference: Pál Teleki, Prime Minister at the time, sent Tibor Eckhardt, a high ranking Smallholders…